Timeline and Process for the McKay Building Replacement Project Skip to main content

Timeline and Process for the McKay Building Replacement Project

Master Planning—The WHY

Since mid-2020, we have studied the strategic direction of the university, and what it needs to accomplish its mission. Study is ongoing, and changes as we seek additional ways to meet the following principles.

Programming—The WHAT

As a result of our master planning efforts, we have identified many concepts to improve university programs and facilities. Those guiding principles include:

  • Reduce and Simplify: Focus on what matters most in the simplest practical way.
  • Flexible and Adaptable: Create spaces that can accommodate multiple activities and be easily reconfigured to support changes in university programs and pedagogy. Future-proof the university for the next 50 years.
  • Enhance the Student Experience: Design spaces focused on student needs first.
  • Embed the Mission: Buildings should reflect and aspire all to fulfill the university's mission.

Design—The HOW

Having completed the programming phase, the design team has completed the process of identifying adjacencies, maximizing the efficient use of space, and creating the look and feel of the university. This included using architectural forms and themes that were appropriate to the host culture of Hawaii. These themes were included in both building and site elements. We also incorporated all building systems required for the functioning of a modern higher educational facility. During this phase the design team submitted applications to obtain approvals from the local planning department.

Construction Documents

Upon completion of the schematic design and design development phases, the design team created full construction documentation and submitted it to the local jurisdiction for permitting and bidding.


Working with the City and County of Honolulu to get all the permission needed to start construction.


Starting with the demolition of old buildings, to site work of new spaces, and then new construction.


Once construction is completed, we are issued a certificate of occupancy, and we start using the new space.