Memorandum to All BYUH Faculty, Staff, and Students Skip to main content
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Memorandum to All BYUH Faculty, Staff, and Students

RE: Faculty Housing and Campus Construction Projects

The University is in the midst of historic changes. These changes are exciting, chaotic, and occasionally disruptive and it is normal to want to be apprised about progress. Since construction will be ongoing for several years the Planning, Design, & Construction department would like to inform you of some rules that must be followed during construction.

First, only authorized personnel are allowed on construction sites. From a legal standpoint the general contractor assumes control of the construction site and is responsible (and liable) for all activities in it until control of the project site is turned back to the University. Individuals that enter the site without permission are guilty of trespassing and are subject to criminal prosecution. The same is true for the equipment and materials on site. If someone were to enter the site and take materials or equipment (including from dumpsters or refuse piles) they are guilty of theft and will be prosecuted.

It has come to our attention that several individuals have entered construction sites for self-guided tours and in some cases have taken material from them. Please allow us to stress that these practices are illegal and unsafe. There have also been many reports of children using the construction sites as playgrounds. There are many hazards on a job site that can seriously injure or maim unsuspecting individuals and not all hazards are marked or apparent to the untrained eye. Trespassing and theft places the Church and the contractor at risk of delays, legal action and significant financial loss so we must insist that these rules be followed so that we can safeguard the safety of your family and the entire BYUH ohana.

Several ways have been set up for the faculty, staff and all interested parties to keep pace with construction progress and updates. The primary site for these updates is website. This site posts most updates, service interruptions, progress photos, etc. There are also webcams available to watch live feeds on several construction sites. We will also try to hold some activities that will give everyone a chance to be more directly involved in the construction. We will update you on these activities through the Bulletin and the Construction Updates website.

Thanks in advance for helping us keep this season of construction safe and free of legal entanglements. We must stress that as construction continues to increase in the coming months, your assistance will grow more important. It also means that we will be taking a harder line on violations. If you have any specific questions about the projects, please feel free to contact me directly. I will answer in as timely a manner as possible.

Mahalo Nui Loa,

James R. Brown, AIA
University Architect
Brigham Young University–Hawaii